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About us
CoupleFit is a group of private practioners qualified to specialise in relationship counselling and psychotherapy.
We provide couples counselling, parenting support and psychotherapy for individuals at our clinic in Archway, North London and at other locations throughout Greater London.
To find out more about each practitioner, see Our therapists.
Our ethos
We believe relationships aren’t just about romance, sex or marriage. Couples can comprise of two people in any relationship within the family, friendships and partnerships. At CoupleFit we are interested in all kinds of relationships and will work with you to think about whichever relationship you would like to consider.
The concept of a conventional couple is changing all the time as relationships increasingly take different forms. Whether a couple choose to co-habit, marry, start a family, parent together or apart, separate or divorce, every couple is as unique as the individuals within it. We enjoy working with all types of people and relationships irrespective of race, gender, gender identity or sexual orientation.
We aim to offer a confidential, non-judgemental space to talk with a qualified therapist to enable our clients to find a clearer perspective to overcome the difficulties they are experiencing.
Our approach
CoupleFit therapists are predominantly trained in the psychodynamic approach to counselling and psychotherapy.
This means we believe the unconscious holds onto thoughts and feelings that are too painful to think about consciously. While suppressing feelings can initially be a useful coping mechanism, it can lead to unhelpful thought patterns or behaviours and feelings that are difficult to manage. We aim to help our clients make sense of their thoughts and feelings by thinking about how past experience is unconsciously affecting them in the present.
Although our therapists are primarily psychodynamically trained, they have undertaken numerous trainings and will use the approach they feel will be most supportive for each individual client.
Our credentials
All CoupleFit therapists are experienced and qualified at Tavistock Relationships in psychodynamic individual and couple counselling and psychotherapy. They are fully insured members of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP).
Many of them have additional trainings and qualifications in other approaches and areas of special interest.
You'll find more information about how we work in our FAQs and at What to expect.
If you'd prefer to speak to someone with any queries or concerns you might have, please contact us.
If you are a therapist interested in joining CoupleFit as a practitioner or renting a therapy room, you can find out more at CoupleFit Therapy Rooms Rentals.